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SC Johnson’s
fragrance palette

Browse Fragrance Ingredients

Below you’ll find the full list of fragrance ingredients our perfumers select from to make SC Johnson scents.

Keep in mind these ingredients are tiny, tiny molecules. A typical fragrance might mix 50 to 200 to create the perfect scent. Yet fragrance is still usually less than 2% of a product’s contents.

We share our full fragrance palette to make it possible for those with allergies or concerns about a particular ingredient to see if it might be used. (Visit our individual product pages to see product-specific fragrance ingredients.)

If we use an ingredient you're concerned about, please give us a call at 0-2269-0899 and we can help you with specific product choices.

Please note: The SC Johnson Fragrance Palette was developed in the 2000s and formalized in 2012. We use it as our guide when new products are developed or existing products are updated. Products that are older and have not been updated may still use pre-palette ingredients, but all SC Johnson product ingredients meet existing government and industry standards. And, we are making great progress updating the remaining products in our portfolio to align with the palette. We also continually enhance the palette itself, adding or removing ingredients as new information or research suggests improvements to be made.